
петък, 25 февруари 2011 г.

The Sanctuary of Truth

В следващите публикации ще ви представя интеактивно посещение на едни от най-посещаваните туристически места в света.Зная че не е свързано с заглавието на блога "Еко Балкан " но мисле че ще ви е интересно и няма да имате нищо против.

The Sanctuary of Truth, North Wing in Thailand

Rising 105 metres into the sky and exquisitely carved entirely out of teak wood, The Sanctuary of Truth is a gigantic woodenconstruction that's one of a kind in the world. A strange fusion of religion, philosophy, art and culture, it's neither a temple, nor palace 'even though it looks a bit like a hybrid of both. Best described as a monument to Thai craftsmanship, and a place to reflect, its awe-inspiring wooden sculptures and cravings pays homage to and is a reflection of the “Ancient Vision of Earth', “Ancient Knowledge'and “Eastern Philosophy'. It's also the only place in Thailand where you can get up close and personal with two delightful and very playful dolphins…

It's easy to get lost in thought wandering through the Sanctuary of Truth's impressive structure and admiring the equally impressive and ornate carvings that adorn every square inch of the building inside and out. The brochure speaks of “understanding ancient life', “life relationship with the universe'and “common goals of life towards utopia', all of which goes over the heads of visitors (and mine!). But the eerie silence inside is evidence of the admiration visitors cannot help to have for the ten years and hundreds of thousands man hours that have gone into the project. And the guide informed me that it's ongoing, that it will never be fully completed…

неделя, 20 февруари 2011 г.

The Chambers of Curiosities в Tokyo

The Chambers of Curiosities in Tokyo